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Periodic Ts Tennessine

Tennessine (Ts): From Discovery to Future Applications

Tennessine, with the chemical symbol Ts, is one of the newest members of the periodic table. This article delves into the discovery of Tennessine, its unique properties, its position within the periodic table, and its potential applications in the fields of science and technology.

Discovery of Tennessine

Tennessine was officially recognized as a new element in 2016, following its discovery by scientists collaborating from institutions in Russia and the United States, particularly the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The element was named after Tennessee, reflecting the significant contributions of institutions within the state to its discovery. Tennessine's identification was part of research efforts to explore the boundaries of the periodic table by synthesizing superheavy elements.

The Discovery of Tennessine Ts in 2016

The synthesis of Tennessine was achieved by bombarding berkelium-249 atoms with calcium-48 ions, a process that took place in the cyclotron at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. This successful experiment led to the creation of a few atoms of Tennessine, each with an incredibly short half-life, disappearing fractions of a second after their formation. The achievement was a result of international collaboration and years of meticulous planning and experimentation, showcasing the cutting-edge capabilities of modern nuclear chemistry.

Tennessine in the Periodic Table

Tennessine holds the atomic number 117, placing it within the halogen group in the periodic table, although it displays properties distinct from lighter halogens. As a superheavy element, it resides in the seventh row, under the influence of both the actinide and lanthanide contractions, which complicates its chemistry and makes it an interesting subject of study for researchers interested in relativistic effects in heavy elements.

Scientific Properties of Tennessine

Berkelium-249 Atoms Bombarding Calcium-48 to make Tennessine

The properties of Tennessine are largely extrapolated from theoretical calculations and have yet to be observed extensively due to its extremely short half-life and the minute amounts in which it can be produced. Predictions suggest that Tennessine might exhibit some metallic properties, differentiating it from its lighter halogen cousins, which are nonmetals. Its chemistry is expected to be fascinating, with potential similarities to astatine, the heaviest halogen previously known.

Applications of Tennessine in Technology

Potential Applications in Material Science

While practical applications for Tennessine are currently speculative due to its rarity and radioactivity, research into its properties could inform future material science developments, especially in fields requiring materials that can withstand extreme environments, such as in space technology or nuclear reactors.

Role in Scientific Research

The synthesis of Tennessine and other superheavy elements helps scientists understand more about nuclear reactions and the limits of atomic stability. Each new element provides insights into the architecture of the atomic nucleus, offering clues about the forces that bind it together. These discoveries not only advance basic science but also have potential implications for energy generation and nuclear waste management technologies.

The Future of Tennessine

The Future of Tennessine Depicting a Classroom in the year 2050

Future research on Tennessine will likely focus on discovering more about its physical and chemical properties through new experiments designed to create longer-lived isotopes that are easier to study. As experimental techniques improve, the potential to use Tennessine in practical applications may emerge, driving further interest and investment in the production and research of superheavy elements.


The discovery of Tennessine represents a significant milestone in the field of chemistry, highlighting the collaborative nature of modern scientific endeavors and the continual quest to expand our understanding of the natural world. Its study may open new frontiers in the understanding of material properties at the extreme end of the periodic table.

Periodic Bk Berkelium Periodic Ca Calcium
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